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7. Ongoing development

This section could also be called Creating a Presence.

The elements you need to be concentrating on are:

  1. Inbound links from other sites, preferably with a high PageRank (more on that later)
  2. Regular updates of content
  3. General publicity
  4. Maintain a dialogue

Inbound Links

First a definition. By inbound links we mean a link from another site into yours, one which directs traffic into your site, usually to specific content or a specific page.


These are hugely important as a double whammy. Not only do they direct traffic into your site but they also direct search engine bots into your site, increasing your presence within the search engine.


There are numerous strategies for achieving this. Here are a few:

  • You can write entries and comments, including a link back to your own site, onto public forums, interest group sites or individual's own websites if they include a forum or blog
  • Create other, smaller websites (or microsites) with specific interest areas that feed into your site
  • Get your website listed in directories and registers, of which there are many throughout the web, both free and paid-for

Search engines set so much store by inbound links because they assume those links have been created by actual people to sites that they think have some value, thus adding a human element to the valuation process.




One of Google's tricks for bringing human valuation into its search rankings is to introduce the PageRank system. Every site indexed by Google is ranked according to its "credibility" on a scale from 0 to 10. This credibility can then rub off onto other sites.


If Google detects a link to your site from a site with a PageRank of 7, that's more valuable than one from a site with a PageRank of 2. So it's not just getting links in, the quality of those links is also important.


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